Serving Small Businesses, Artists and Musicians
Size really doesn’t matter.
As a strategic partner, I support small businesses in the wellness and arts arenas. Small business owners, musicians, writers and artists are often at a loss to market and promote themselves. I cherish the opportunity to guide my clients to a web presence that communicates what they need to say, to the people they want to say it to. My job is to tease out the story, ask the right questions and craft a fully-dimensional solution, frequently spilling over to their business structure as well. A few of my favorite collaborators are represented here.

Jacqueline Woodson is a popular and acclaimed author of numerous award-winning books for children and young adults. This site needs to serve a number of populations: readers, teachers and caregivers. It’s primary commitment is to offer her fans a way to learn more about her and her books, while offering adults assistance in supporting the children in their lives.
Since 2002, the site has grown exponentially and found ways to accommodate Jackie’s expanding portfolio. Though she is extraordinarily busy, she continues to encourage interaction with her readers and responds to a voluminous quantity of e-mail from children and institution’s seeking appearances. VISIT THE SITE is the consolidated web presence of yoga educator and anatomy instructor Leslie Kaminoff. Early in 2011, it became evident that the four sites Leslie attempted to maintain were fracturing rather than reinforcing his brand. As an eminent teacher, co-author of Amazon’s top-selling yoga book Yoga Anatomy, and the creator of a popular online course of the same name, it was key to keep his web profile clear and accessible.
In addition, since the site’s launch in early 2006, multiple content authors and sources had come onboard, so it was imperative to provide a content management system and integration from various media channels. The site re-launched in the fall of 2011. VISIT THE SITE

Toshi Reagon is a Brooklyn-based singer-songwriter and activist. Since 2001, each iteration of the site has expanded its reach, continuing to receive positive feedback and served as a model for a number of other musicians’ and artists’ sites.
Toshi has firmly embraced social media and has developed an active following on Facebook and Twitter. This site remains the core for business outreach, appealing to booking agents, journalists and fans, including bios, and photos but most of her online interactions are via mobile social media. VISIT THE SITE

Dr. Bernice Johnson Reagon is a composer, songleader, scholar and producer, Civil Rights activist and member of the Freedom Singers, and founder of the internationally acclaimed African American woman a cappella ensemble, Sweet Honey in the Rock. After retiring from Sweet Honey in 2004, Dr. Reagon launched her first website, collecting many of the diverse threads of her life and career. In late 2005 I approached her about a redesign and we began in early 2006. It was inspiring and joyous to help her realize the breadth and depth of her accomplishments. Her website is a repository of biographic and professional information for fans, researchers and students. VISIT THE SITE

A genre-defying work of new opera, drawing from two centuries of Black music by Toshi Reagon and Bernice Johnson Reagon. This opera lives in an unprecedented intersection of science fiction, opera, African-American art & spirituality, feminism, and climate activism.
The show premiered in 2017 (in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirate, and Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA) and continues to be developed. VISIT THE SITE
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